Division Tags in HTML

Division Tags plays a vital role in web development.

Division tag means the tag which contains various tags inside or a part of a page or a section.
<div> is used for division tag. Division tag takes the total width of body element for example , the  father and mother amount is for their sons or daughters.

Division tag takes total width of browser

Sorry for insufficient quality of image !



<div>I am the context of division tag(div)</div>
Above example contains small content.   


<div class="div">
    <img src="some image">
    <a href="https://www.google.com/">Google</a>
    <p>My div container contains many tags.</p>

In this div tag contains many tags.


    I can take the width of body element.
<span>I am span tag I am start in next line if above element is block level.</span>

In this above example the <span> tag element starts after the division tag in a new line.Because the Div tag takes full width.
 For clear demonstration I created Ms word template to understand

Div vs Span


<span>My name is </span>

Span tags the width of content . The next span tag start to continue in same line.

Span vs Span

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