It is very easy to navigate from one page to another page using Anchors(Hyperlinks) in HTML.
Anchor is represented using <a>.........</a>
Anchors are span level elements.
- General meaning of span is SHORT .
- Now HTML span meaning is it takes the width of browser upto the end of content.
If we give anchor tag like this <a>google</a>. It looks like a simple context. When we give href attribute now it act as a Link. <a href="somelinks">somename</a>.
It shows like a normal text.
<a href="https:/">google</a>
After introducing href now it behave as a link with blue color text ,underline .After visited the link it changes it colour to violet [because it indicates that you are visited already].
<a href="https:/">google</a>
<a href="">Youtube</a>
<a href="">Blogger</a>
<a href="">Podcasts</a>
<a href="">Maps</a>
<a href="">Forms</a>
Following output:
- Above figure shows the links .Violet colour links are I already visited and blue is not yet visited.
- It is a span element so it places one another one.
Behind the scenes:
Anchor span
Now combinations of block level vs span .
<a href="">Gmeet</a>
<p>I am Iron man</p>
<a href="">HTML Galaxy</a>
<a href="">Maps</a>
- Here div containing <a> and <p>. <a> doesn't takes the full width of div but it takes width only for his content. Browser now moving to next line , now here it is a <p> tag so it takes full width of div and starts in next line.
- Next line its a anchor span takes width only for his content.
- Next line also anchor span so it continues one another one.
combination of block and span level elements
Behind the scenes:
Behind the scene
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